
Welcome !


This page contains descriptions and links to some of the mobile apps that are based on Think-Grow's Knowledge Modules.


The Think-Grow Knowledge Modules cover different fields like Leadership, Communication, Personal Development, Psychology, The Mind, Health, and more... Each Knowledge Module contains concise and comprehensive summaries of some of the most popular and best-selling books within its field.


The Mobile Apps themselves contain great features including:

  • The Book Summaries from the Knowledge Modules, in addition to
  • a 3-stage Quiz to test your knowledge in each field, and
  • Valuable learning and personal development Mind Maps, including: Keys to Learning, Growth & Development, and Think-Grow Modules. They also include
  • a tool for collaboratively sharing interesting readings, online resources, and words of wisdom.


The Apps are optimized for easy and convenient reading on mobile devices. Use the links in the page to navigate to more information about each of the Apps, and to download from the relevant App store.

The Better Brain Library

Some of the topics and skills covered in this app include learning, creativity, memory, attention, nutrition for brain health, decision making, brainstorming, mind mapping, and many more topics that will help make you a more intelligent thinker.

The "Better Brain Library" app contains summaries of the most popular, important, and successful books on understanding our brain, improving our thinking, optimizing our brains, powering our memory, and developing an important set of cognitive and learning skills.

KWEST : The Mind's Adventure

Can you rebuild the Tower of Wisdom ?

Test your mind's speed , concentration , and memory, with the Brain Arena.. Test your Knowledge with the Knowledge Path.. and Keep an eye on the secret Quests... KWEST is a game of intelligence, knowledge, and planning.

Succeed !

"Succeed!" contains summaries of the best motivational and personal growth books.

Develop your emotional, social, and verbal intelligence.
Learn from Leonardo Da Vinci, and know the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

(Tap to Download)

Communicate !

Communicating well is a most important interpersonal skill.

Use the summaries in this application to learn about Verbal Intelligence, Dealing with Difficult People, Listening Skills, Communicating to Win, Presenting, etc...


You can never succeed on your own. You have to work in teams, groups, and with other people all the time. This application will introduce you to the arts (and sciences) of influencing, persuasion, and negotiation.

Learn how to build trust, promote your vision and ideas, influence people's behavior and thinking, and create winning partnerships.

Lead !

After improving personal and interpersonal skills, and developing emotional and social intelligence, leadership is the next frontier.

Go beyond effectiveness to greatness, and learn the arts of decision making, motivation, strategy, and more...

Psychology-I: Personalities & Behavior

Psychology-I contains well written, concise, and rich-enough summaries of highly important and influential books that cover personalities, judgment, behavior, habits, intelligence, memory, irrationality, motivation, and more…

Start with taking the temperament sorter questionnaire, learn more about your personality profile (and those of others), and then go on to read about making better decisions, understanding behavior, the different intelligences, motivation, and irrationality.

The Good Health Guide - Diet , Fitness , and Nutrition

This application will give you a wide and comprehensive view of some of the most important concepts in the fields of weight loss and diet. It can also help you gain a deeper understanding of fitness and healthy nutrition.

The information contained in this app's different summaries is valuable and vital for maintaining a strong and healthy body.

The Good Health Guide – II : General Health & Wellness

This Part of the Good Health Guide is more General. It is a great resource for learning about the body and its functions, wellness, and a general set of health issues important to everyone.

It has great summaries of some of the influential books on health, longevity, popular medicine, the human body and other important topics like stress, immunity, diseases, first aid, and more...

Smart Parenting & Child Development

This app is a great resource for parents interested in learning more about one of their most important tasks.

It contains summaries of some of the most successful books on parenting, helping your family succeed and thrive, and developing your child's cognitive, emotional, and social potential.

Think-Grow's Facebook Page

Ok .. Its not technically an 'app' , but Join our Facebook Page to stay in touch and receive interesting and fun (hopefully) periodic updates, reports, articles, pictures, videos, and more..

The topics covered span a wide area of education, knowledge, thinking, science, arts, and reports and musings from our blog (

Pixelated : The Pixels Puzzle

Pixelated is a simple but extremely challenging strategy game.

Unify all the colors into one, and do it with the least time and moves!

Ancient Mystery

What is the hidden mystery?

How can solving a number of riddles and brain teasers take you on a deeper and further quest, to uncover a great hidden truth?

What is the secret 'code' that connects Plato & Socrates, Myths, Dragons, Greek Gods, Ancient Philosophies, a Cave man, the beginnings of civilization, Astrology, and many jewels of wisdom from different thinkers of different ages ?

Discover, Think, Read, and Learn as this ancient and thoughtful magical quest takes you to different challenges of observation, intelligence, insight, knowledge and wisdom.

Fast Focus : Count Fast !

Fast Focus is a game of concentration and speed.

You simply need to count to 20/25 or tap the A-B-Cs as fast as possible. The different organization of numbers and colors will try to slow you down, so you'll need your concentration and wit to finish quickly.

Profile Me: a Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Know more about your personality with “Profile Me”. It is personality profiling application that is based on the research of Myers and Briggs.

Through a set of consecutive multiple choice questions, “Profile Me” will determine your dominant character traits, and generate a description of your personality type, considering 4 dimensions: Extraversion-Introversion, Sensory-Intuitive, Thinking-Feeling, and Judging-Perceiving.

A to P Marketing Guide: Book Summaries, Tips, and Quiz

This Module is about Marketing Knowledge : It Contains the essence of more than 3000 pages from the best and most popular books written on marketing, presented in an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand manner.

Each summary includes important concepts and ideas from the book, with their supporting logic to allow for deeper understanding. The summaries also include a large number of cases and stories that help explain the points in a very practical and memorable manner.

The Better Brain Library

Some of the topics and skills covered in this app include learning, creativity, memory, attention, nutrition for brain health, decision making, brainstorming, mind mapping

ذاكرة النقوش: ذكاء وفن وتاريخ

بغداد القاهرة القدس دمشق غرناطة ....

مدن عربية جميلة فيها الكثير من الإبداعات الرائعة ، من عمارة ونقوش و خط و زخرفة ، تشهد على تاريخ حافل بالجهد والقصص والشخصيات وعلى تراث وفنون الحضارة العربية والإسلامية

في هذه اللعبة ستتحوّل هذه الإبداعات إلى لغز ينتظر الحلّ، وإلى اختبار للذاكرة والذكاء والإبداع

هل بإمكانك أن تنجح بأقلّ من 35 ثانية ( سرعة ) ؟؟ بأقلّ من 26 محاولة ( دقة )؟؟

هل بإمكانك أن تحرز علامة 100% أو أعلى ؟؟

يتوجب عليك أن تتذكر مواضع النقوش المختلفة، لتجد المتشابه بينها... ولكن هذا لا يكفي : لا بدّ لذاكرتك أن تكون قويّة و أسلوبك مبدعا لكي تتمكن من النجاح في أسرع وقت وبأفضل طريقة ممكنة... لا بد من الذاكرة والسرعة والذكاء والإبداع والمثابرة

بإمكانك أن تتحدّى أصدقاءك وغيرهم من اللاعبين عبر الحصول على أفضل تقييم و سرعة وغيرها من المؤشّرات

كلما كان أداؤك أفضل وذاكرتك اقوى، حصلت على المزيد من نقاط الخبرة.. مع الخبرة سترتفع رتبتك في اللعبة، وهذا ما سيسمح لك بحلّ الألغاز واكتشاف المصدر الذي أتت منه النقوش في المدن المختلفة

نقوش في الذاكرة هي لعبة تمزج اختبار ذاكرتك وبراعتك ، مع استكشاف جوانب من فنون الحضارة العربية - الإسلامية عبر السياحة في بعض مدنها.. استمتع بالتحدّي، حسّن مهاراتك الفكرية، وتعلّم عن إبداعات حضاريّة مهمّة تشهد على تاريخ غنيّ وحافل

5 مدن
8 صور في كلّ منها مأخوذة من معالمها
إبداعات تشمل الخط ، النحت، النقش، الزخرفة، العمارة، وغيرها من الفنون الإسلامية

A to P Marketing Guide: Book Summaries, Tips, and Quiz

This Module is about Marketing Knowledge : It Contains the essence of more than 3000 pages from the best and most popular books written on marketing, presented in an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand manner.

Each summary includes important concepts and ideas from the book, with their supporting logic to allow for deeper understanding. The summaries also include a large number of cases and stories that help explain the points in a very practical and memorable manner.

Ancient Mystery

What is the hidden mystery?

How can solving a number of riddles and brain teasers take you on a deeper and further quest, to uncover a great hidden truth?

What is the secret 'code' that connects Plato & Socrates, Myths, Dragons, Greek Gods, Ancient Philosophies, a Cave man, the beginnings of civilization, Astrology, and many jewels of wisdom from different thinkers of different ages ?

Discover, Think, Read, and Learn as this ancient and thoughtful magical quest takes you to different challenges of observation, intelligence, insight, knowledge and wisdom.

KWEST : The Mind's adventure

Can you rebuild the Tower of Wisdom ?

Test your mind's speed , concentration , and memory, with the Brain Arena.. Test your Knowledge with the Knowledge Path.. and Keep an eye on the secret Quests... KWEST is a game of intelligence, knowledge, and planning.

Pixelated (Android)

Can you solve the puzzle as efficiently (Time and Energy) as possible ?!

Psychology 1: Personalities and Behavior

Wouldn't it be great to know more about people’s (including yourself) personalities, preferences, behaviors, motivations, and backgrounds?

Personal and Interpersonal success depend greatly on understanding the self and others, and this application is a useful tool in that challenge.

Popular psychology has taken great steps recently, and there is an increasing amount of books that cover its entertaining and informing topics. Psychology-I is a great entry point to the great world of psychology, personalities, and behaviors. It combines interest with practical benefit to produce a highly useful and informing set of ideas.

Psychology-I contains well written, concise, and rich-enough summaries of highly important and influential books that cover personalities, judgment, behavior, habits, intelligence, memory, irrationality, motivation, and more…

Start with taking the temperament sorter questionnaire, learn more about your personality profile (and those of others), and then go on to read about making better decisions, understanding behavior, the different intelligences, motivation, and irrationality.

The aim has been to make the summaries as informing as possible, while avoiding excess technical description, and including as many examples and case studies as possible.

Psychology-I presents an arsenal of ideas that spans psychology, sociology, behavioral economics, brain science and neurology, and strategy and decision making.

Succeed : The Personal Development App - Book Summaries, Quiz, and Tips

"Succeed!" contains summaries of the best motivational and personal growth books.

Develop your emotional, social, and verbal intelligence.
Learn from Leonardo Da Vinci, and know the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

(Tap to Download)

Communicate : The Intelligent Communication Skills Improvement Module

Communicate better and more clearly, and build up your interpersonal skills and communication skills.

This application with built in pdf-reader includes a number of book summaries for some of the best-selling books on Communication Skills.

You can unlock the complete module for wider knowledge of the topic of communication skills (at a discounted price), or select communication books that are most relevant to you.

This Module includes book summaries of:
The Power of Verbal Intelligence,
The Best Kept Secrets of Great Communicators,
Communicate to Win,
Seven Deadly Skills of Communicating,
Dealing with Difficult People,
Harvard Business Review on Communication.. and more.

Interpersonal success builds on good communication.

Reading one summary a day is a relatively easy task. This will give you - in less than two weeks - a wide understanding of communication skills and competencies, and hopefully help you develop better interpersonal and social skills.

Lead ! The Leadership Library : Book Summaries, Tips, Quiz

With more than 64,000 books on leadership on, Leadership is a very important topic these days for professionals, executives, and business managers… Important, but also the sheer size of the literature means that there is a lot of waste and repetition.

“Lead !” is an application that contains executive summaries of some of the most important, most influential, and best-selling books related to leadership.

“Lead !” contains book summaries that were selected to help you gain an insight into the different areas of leadership, including the emotional, social, and intellectual fields, Strategy, Decision Making, Innovation, and more… You will gain a wide knowledge and a bird-eye view.

Some of the book summaries in “Lead !” :
- The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
- The New Leaders: Transforming the art of leadership to the Science of Results
- Emotional Intelligence
- How to Win Friends and Influence People
- The Speed of Trust
- The Art of Decision Making
- The Art of War
- Blue Ocean Strategy
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship

You can unlock the whole module (at a discounted price), or select the leadership books that you feel are most suitable to you, and finish them one-by-one at your own pace.

Reading one book summary a day is a relatively easy task. This will give you - in less than two weeks – good knowledge of the key concepts in these books, and help you build and improve your leadership skills, organizational skills, emotional intelligence, strategic understanding, and more…

Lead will hopefully be a building block in your efforts to achieve Personal Success, Professional Success, and managerial excellence.

We recommend going through another application by Think-Grow before starting ‘Lead !’. This app is ‘Succeed !’ and it will introduce some important concepts in the fields of personal development and personal growth, multiple intelligences (Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Verbal Intelligence), Effectiveness, and success planning. "Lead !" will help you take these skills to the next level.

Win - Win : Interpersonal Success Book Summaries, Quiz, and Tips

“Win - Win” is an application that contains executive summaries of some of the most important, most influential, and best-selling books related to Influencing, Persuasion, and Negotiating.

“Win - Win” contains book summaries that were selected to help you gain an insight into the different areas necessary for cooperating with people, and aligning them to your vision, ideas, and goals. Persuasion, Influence, Negotiation, Power, Trust, and more concepts are introduced from a wide range of sources.. Giving you wide knowledge and a bird-eye view.

Some of the book summaries in “Win - Win” :
The Art of Influence
How to Win Friends and Influence People
YES! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive
Artful Persuasion
The Speed of Trust
Secrets of Power Negotiating
Negotiate to Win

You can unlock the whole module (at a discounted price), or select the books that you feel are most suitable to you, and finish them one-by-one at your own pace.

Reading one book summary a day is a relatively easy task. This will give you - in less than two weeks – good knowledge of the key concepts in these books, and help you build your repertoire of influence and persuasion strategies, as well as your knowledge of key negotiation techniques and gambits…

“Win – Win” can hopefully be a building block in your efforts to achieve interpersonal and professional succes. Combined with other apps from Think-Grow like “Succeed !”, and “Communicate !”, It will give you an important edge, and knowledge in key areas that can help you grow, and increase your impact and influence.

Smart Parenting and Child Development: Book Summaries and Quiz

This is an app designed to help parents succeed at their most important role!

It contains important and selected book summaries and a parenting quiz to test your parenting knowledge.

Parents these days have an increasingly challenging role. The times are faster, ever-changing, more chaotic, and information-rich. This demands a higher level of parenting skills and parent knowledge. What would have been called a ‘super-parent’ few decades back is becoming the ‘basic-requirement-parent’ of these days.

The challenge of raising successful children is becoming more difficult and more complex. Challenges with this level of complexity can’t be solved by quick-fixes and ready recipes.

Parents must become more knowledgeable, wise, aware, and emotionally intelligent. In that sense, parenting requires a transformation and not just some know-how.

Parents now are responsible to grow their children’s potential, and to give them a wide set of skills and competencies. Parents must nurture the intelligence of their children, and ensure their growth: cognitive, emotional, social, creative, physical etc…

This is what this module modestly tries to address: Summaries of carefully selected and successful books that cover different important areas of parenting and child development are included, along with a quizzing functionality to refresh and test your parenting knowledge.

Through exposing parents to a wide array of topics, the application aims to make knowledge a tool of change for the parent. Parents who focus on learning will become more resourceful, flexible, and understanding... And able to face more confidently the many challenges of today.

The module should help you:
- Understand the child psychology better,
- Become able to build stronger relationships with your children,
- Lead and empower your family,
- Nurture your children’s cognitive, intellectual potential, while allowing them to grow emotionally and socially
- Strengthen discipline and understanding, and
- Increase your family’s emotional intelligence…

The book summaries included cover different important areas of parenting, and focus on allowing parents to learn as much as possible easily and intelligently.

Some of the books that are summarized in this module:
• Brain Child (Tony Buzan)
• The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families (Stephen Covey)
• Brain Rules for Baby
• Children are From Heaven (John Gray)
• How Children Learn
• Parenting with Love and Logic
• The Whole-Brain Child
• … and more

The Good Health Guide I : Diet , Fitness , Nutrition , and Weight Loss Book Summaries

Fitness and Good Health - HOW?

This seems to be an increasingly difficult question. There are so many ‘right’ answers out there and so many diet programs, that it sometimes becomes too confusing or just useless.

Nutrition, fat-loss, fitness, vitamins, nutrients, metabolism, muscle-building, are just a tiny sample of the terms that we must understand. We must learn about nutrition, metabolism, and exercise if we want to maintain and nourish our bodies in a time of fast food, choices, and more individual responsibility.

This application will help give you a very wide and comprehensive view of most of the important topics within the diet, fitness, and the nutrition field. It does that by relying on a wide collection of the most successful, insightful, and intelligent books within the genre.

This app contains good summaries of important books on the most successful diet and exercise programs, including the Dukan diet, the ABS Diet, the Ketogenic diet, the Atkins diet, and more. Contents covered also include strengthening immunity, exercising and building muscles, understanding fat accumulation and fat loss, nutrition for longevity and health, vitamins and nutrition in general, because nutrition is not just about weight loss… Nutrition is about nourishment and good health.

Some of the books summarized in this module:
- Everything you need to know about fat loss
- Why we get fat
- Nutrition and Health
- Super Immunity
- Food Rules
- Eat to Live
- The Dukan Diet
- Dr. Atkins’ New Diet
- The Ketogenic Diet
- And more…

The approach here has been to give a wide perspective in order to present the user with the bigger picture, ensure a deeper understanding, and to encourage a healthy critical attitude. The result of these three components will be a more sustainable nutrition program, healthier diet and a deeper understanding that empowers better long-term health.

Try to read all the summaries in this module. Then you can have a better understanding and can make an educated decision of which rules you may want to follow generally, or which program you want to adhere to and learn more about.

Note: Please note that the book summaries in this app are offered as an in-app purchase and are NOT for free. This app doesn't bombard you with unwanted advertising, so please accept our model of revenue since creating maintaining this content takes a lot of time and effort.

CAUTION: Nutrition and Health is a very sensitive subject. Unfortunately there is a certain lack of scientific spirit in dealing with it. Remember to consult specialists whenever in doubt, and whenever you feel something not normal. Never follow advice blindly without understanding its reasons, especially in health-related manners. Be skeptical about bullet-proof quick-fixes.

The Good Health Guide – II : The Body, Wellness, and Longevity

Knowing more about the body, good health, well-being, and disease prevention: This is the purpose of “The Good Health Guide – II”.

Maintaining a strong and healthy body, and overall well-being, is something that depends on our genes (less) and lifestyle (more). It is both very interesting and very rewarding to learn about our body and health, including sub-topics such as: strength, immunity, bodily functions, healthy habits, aging, longevity, and other topics that are important for maintaining good health.

This learning module tries to make reading about health a much easier, simpler, and more scientific task. It also forms with “The Good Health Guide – I: Diet, Fitness, and Nutrition” an excellent resource for everybody interested in health and well-being.
This application will help give you a very wide and comprehensive view of most of the important topics within the health, aging, and wellness field.. It does that by relying on a wide collection of the most successful, insightful, and intelligent books within the genre.

Contents covered also include strengthening immunity, healthy habits, stress, sleep, foods, first aids, important diseases, prevention, and more…

Some of the books summarized in this module:
• Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies
• You – The Owner’s Manual
• Super Immunity
• The Blue Zones
• Healthy Aging
• The Seven Pillars of Health
• Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
• The People’s Pharmacy
• The American Red Cross First Aid Manual

The approach here has been to give a wide perspective on an array of health topics and issues, in order to present the user with the bigger picture, ensure a deeper understanding, and to encourage a healthy critical attitude.

This app is a complete learning tool, with relevant, carefully selected, and quality comprehensive book summaries, an interactive quiz, learning and reading advice, and a knowledge sharing platform.

Try to read all the summaries in this module. They have been carefully selected, and written in a manner to ensure the clear delivery of important insights and key ideas, as well as convey a good understanding of the topic. Wider knowledge leads to a better and deeper understanding, and develops critical mindset.

Note: Please note that the book summaries in this app are offered as an in-app purchase and are NOT for free. This app doesn't bombard you with unwanted advertising, so please accept our model of revenue since creating maintaining this content takes a lot of time and effort.

Caution: Health is a very sensitive subject. Unfortunately there is a certain lack of scientific spirit in dealing with it. Remember to consult specialists whenever in doubt, and whenever you feel something not normal. Never follow advice blindly without understanding its reasons, especially in health-related manners. Be skeptical about bullet-proof quick-fixes.